in Fachzeitschriften

  1. “From ‚Is‘ to the (News) World: How Facebook Jeopardized its Life-Diary Nature and Occupied the Network” (zusammen mit Stefano Calzati), International Journal of Transmedia Literacy Vol. 5 (2019), S. 17-36.
  2. „On the Ethics of Algorithmic Intelligence“, in: Social Research: An International Quarterly Vol. 86, Nr. 2 (Summer 2019), S. 423-47
  3. “On Self-Construction in Social Media: A Response to D’Ambrosio and Moeller”, New German Critique 46:2 (137) 2019, S. 27-34 (Antwort auf Kommentar zu meinem Essay in New German Critique 44:1).
  4. “Self-Narratives on Social Networks. Trans-Platform Stories and Facebook’s Metamorphosis into a Postmodern Semiautomated Repository” (zusammen mit Stefano Calzati), Biography Vol 41, No. 1 (Winter 2018), S. 24-47.
  5. “Instant Selves: Algorithmic Autobiographies on Social Network Sites”, New German Critique 44:1 (130) (2017), S. 233-244 (deutsche Fassung in Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018/1, S. 97-106).